Profesora Medio Tiempo / Investigadora

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Oficina: Edificio A, piso 8, cubículo 809, Campus Santo Domingo. Abraham Lincoln esq. Simón Bolivar. Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.

Teléfono: 809 535 0111, ext. 3519

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  • Madrid, Maggy; García, Yokasta; Blanco, Jesús M Alonso, Mar. Thermal assessment of walls made of concrete blocks through a numerical model and its further validation through experimental tests. Journal of Building Engineering, 2020.
  • García, Yocasta; Cuadrado, Jesús; González, Víctor; Madrid, Maggi; Passive thermal behavior simulation of residential apartments buildings in Tropical Climate: a modelling study in Dominican Republic Building Research & Information, 2020 (en revisión).
  • García, Yokasta; Ruiz, Letzai; Cuadrado, Jesús; Indoor temperature and relative humidity assessment of three construction systems for Dominican social housing in different micro-climates: a modeling study. Indoor and Built Environment, UPV/EHU. 2018.
  • García, Yokasta; Cuadrado, Jesús; Blanco, Jesús M.; Rojí, Eduardo. Optimizing the indoor thermal behavior of housing units in the Dominican Republic: analysis and modeling of sustainable constructive alternatives. Indoor and Built Environment, UPV/EHU. 2018.
  • A.; Carré, H.; García, Y.; Thermal performance optimization of sawdust and lime-mud concrete masonry units. Construction and Building Materials, University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU. 2018.