In the archives

Joseph de Maistre’s heirs deposited most of his papers at the Archives départementales de Savoie in Chambéry, under the reference ‘Archives Maistre’, 2J1-2791 and 76F1-76F10. In this depository may be found most manuscripts of Maistre’s writings, along with his notebooks and much of his extensive correspondence. The collection is available on CD-ROM. See Janine Lucet, ed., Archives de Joseph de Maistre et sa famille (1998/F193).

Joseph de Maistre’s diplomatic correspondence, for its part, is at the Archivio di Stato in Turin. Some Maistre letters are also at the Biblioteca civica centrale in Turin, and at the Bibliothèque nationale de France in Paris (Département des manuscrits, Fond nouvelles acquisitions françaises). The manuscripts of Maistre’s letters to Sergei Uvarov, published by M. Ouvaroff in Études de philologie et de critique (Paris: Firmin Didot Frères, 1854 [1844]), are preserved at the State Historical Museum.